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Social and political Values and Systems in India.

Bharat: The Cradle of Human Civilization and Unity in Diversity

India as a Nation

Chapter 1

“India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and great-grandmother of tradition.”                       TOI Dec 3 2023

What India is? – India or Bharat is a wonderful country. Situated at the southern part of the Asian Continent, sub-continent India is a wonderful country. Himalayas separates India from Europe. From one side, it shares land borders with seven countries Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh. And on other three sides, there is Bay of Bengal in East, Arabian sea in West, and Indian Ocean in the South. Geographically, India has Himalayan mountains, Indo-Gangetic lowland and Peninsular plateau. All these areas have different climates, different quantity of rainfall, different quality of soil, different kinds of vegetation, crops and minerals.  Therefore, the people living in different parts of the country differ from each other in their needs, way of living, eating habits etc.

One of the oldest civilizations – India presents one of the oldest, continuous, and uninterrupted living cultures and civilizations in the world. Indian civilization, one of the earliest civilizations of the world, initially emerged in Indus Valley region. It started around 3300 BCE. As India passed through various phases in the past, each and every incoming social group has left its influence on the indigenous culture of Sindh Valley. Multi ethnic migrant groups and tribes came to ancient India in waves.

Most populous country – India is having the largest population in the world. It has left even China behind in matter of population. It is the most populous country comprising of about 1.3 billion people.  India accounts for a meagre 2.4% of the world surface area of 135.79 million sq. km. and sustain 16.7% of the world population. Besides, it is the largest democracy having more than 800 million people eligible to vote. Demographically, India is a young nation as well. 70% of its population is younger than 35 today.

Controversy over India’s name – Recently, sharp debates and discussions are going on in political circle of India. All the problem has started with the formation of anti-Modi Morcha, naming itself I.N.D.I.A. (Indian, National Developmental Inclusive Alliance), just before the G20 Summit. Leaders of various political parties have raised their voice as to what is the need of having many names for India like India or Bharat? Does Modi Government intend to change the basic secular structure of the constitution of India?

Rat-race between different political parties for power – Recently, a “Rat-race” is going on between different political parties, keeping in view the elections of Parliament 2024 and coming state legislatures in near future. The only purpose of different parties is to grab political power by winning the elections, get full control over the treasury of the nation, by hook or crook and take maximum advantage by ruling the nation, the way they want for next five years. All the parties are all out to avail maximum advantage of the popularity, India has received recently, within the nation and abroad, from the successful operation of Summit G20, landing the space-rocket on moon, and other developments happening in the spheres of technology and infra-structural sector of the nation.

Views of Opposition party and party in power – Opposition parties allege that the present Modi Government is against the principles of equality, secularism and social justice. In defense, Party in power says that the main purpose of the government policies is to acquaint people within India and abroad about the indigenous culture of India and spread the messages of “Vasudaiva-Kutumbkam”, “One Earth and one family” and “One Family and One Future” all-over the world. These phrases have been drawn from the text of ancient scriptures of India.

Why the nation is called Bharat and India? – It was originally the home of an indigenous tribe called Bharat. In ancient India, the nation was referred to as Bharat-Varsh and its people as Bhartiya. The name Bharat is derived from the Sanskrit term ‘Bharata’ that means ‘the cherished. The name Bharat dates back to the ancient ‘Hindu Puranas’ (Hindu scriptures). According to it, the legendary Emperor Bharata was the first conqueror of the entire Indian subcontinent and the founder of the famous Bharata dynasty. After him, the Indian land is known as ‘Bharatavarsa,’

The nation has got its name India from Indus-river itself. During ancient times, the region beyond Indus-river was called India. From ancient times, India had established commercial contacts with China, Southeast Asia, West Asia and Roman Empire. It has resulted in the spread of Indian culture, religion, languages, art and architecture abroad.

Formation of the nation India, when and how? – In ancient India, Aryans and many other social groups came at different points of time, from different parts of the world. Their mixing up with the indigenous people (popularly known as Hindus) has given rise to Vedic culture of Indus Valley.The foundation pillars of Vedic culture are principles of Varna, (followed by Jati Pratha), Dharma and Karma.

Principle of Varna – Principle of Varna has classified Hindu society into four Varna, based on their attitude and aptitude. ‘Varnas’ has never been more or less than four and will remain the same. Varna system has given way to Jati Pratha, when at different points of time, numerous social groups desired to join the mainstream of Vedic Hindu society, arising out of political, sectarian or other reasons. Jati-Pratha has worked as a mechanism to assimilate migrating social groups into Hindu-fold, without any conversion, or without much disturbance. Hindu society has neither prevented incoming desirous social groups to join its mainstream, nor ever allowed them to disturb its existing internal social order.

Sustem of Caste (Jati) worked as a machenism to assimiliate different social groups into Hindu society – Hindu society has assigned a separate caste identity to each new incoming group. It has not only thus made them integral part of Hindu society, but has also nurtured and preserved their way of living, giving them free atmosphere and opportunities to prosper, or to make changes into their internal order according to their internal rhythm. It has not annihilated their faith, originality, internal order, customs, culture or language. Hindu Society itself remained stable, while offering a place to a new community. 

Culture of India – India has a very long continuous uninterrupted history. Its Indus Valley civilization is one of the earliest civilizations in the world. It started around 3300 BCE. Since it started in the region of Indus Valley, the nation has been called by the name India. India is also called Bharat as it has been the home to an indigenous tribe called Bharat. More than anywhere else, Bharat India holds multitude of thoughts, processes them and practices them. There is co-existence of various beliefs and thoughts.

India, a classic example of unity in diversities – India is a classic example of Unity in Diversity. As far as India is concerned, it comprises people of different ethnic, religious, castes, linguistic and regional identities. To maintain a proper balance and harmony between different sections with so many diversities and numerous identities is a delicate and difficult task.  Too much stress on identities creates confusion and chaos.  The problem becomes more complex, because identities cannot be pigeonholed. In modern times, one can bear more than one identity at a time. The more a person enriches one’s personality; wider becomes his/her identity.  Modernization, technological developments in the field of communication and transportation give added dimensions to the issue of identities. Despite of everything that may happen due to these complications, so far, India has been able to maintain unity. 

Diversities in India – There are following diversities in different spheres within the nation.

  • Geographical Diversity – Geographically, India has Himalayan mountains, Indo-Gangetic lowland and Peninsular plateau. All these areas have different climates, different quantity of rainfall, different quality of soil, different kinds of vegetation, crops and minerals.  Therefore, the people living in different parts of the country differ from each other in their needs, way of living, eating habits etc.
  • Ethnic Diversity – During its very long journey so far, India has assimilated different multi-ethnic communities into its mainstream. In the past, various multi-ethnic migrant groups came to India in waves from different parts of the world, settled down here, and finally, willingly merged into the mainstream of Bharat. Such as Negritos from Africa, Australoids considered to be the original builders of Indus Valley Civilization, Mongoloids coming from China, Mediterreans believed to be the bearers of the earliest form of Hinduism coming from Southwest Asia around 2000 BC, Amphizoids, Denaris, Arminids coming from South Europe, and Nordics etc. These identities lived together for centuries. India has never destroyed the faith, way of living or culture of incoming communities. Instead in due course of time, it assimilates them into the mainstream of Indian Society as its integral parts. Their assimilation in Hindu society resulted in –
  • Linguistic Diversity.
  • Occupational diversity and
  • Cultural diversity.
  • Linguistic Diversity – At present India has 22 major languages included in Eighth Schedule of the Constitution, about 1,369 dialects and around 200 to 300 castes in each linguistic region.
  • Occupational diversity – The Indian scene presents a unique diversity in occupational structure greatly affecting terms in income, standard of living, the way of life, status, economic activities, purchasing power and thinking of people. There are different kinds of traditional and modern occupations in the organised and unorganized sector.
  • Cultural Diversity – Cultural diversity of India is based on – 
  • Demographic Diversity based on Principle of Varna followed by caste system Hinduism follows the Vedic Principle of Varna has stratified Hindu society into four Varnas on the basis of attitude, aptitude and occupation, into four groups – Brahmins (intellectuals), Kshatriyas (warriors), Vaishyas, (business community) and Shudras (manual workers). Varnas has always been four. As numerous racial, tribal, occupational and various migrant social groups from different parts of the world, coming in waves in India, via land routes, increased, Varna system has given way to Caste System. Numerous castes, sub-castes and sub-sub castes emerged within each Varna.
  • Perhaps, the first faint trace of caste is to be found in the careful cataloguing of traders and professions in later Vedic literature. Many traders were organized into guilds around 5th century AD, in which, some authorities have seen the origin of commercial castes. These can be seen as the castes in making. Even up to 7th century AD, people showed no clear knowledge of the existence of castes. Huan Tsang, in the Seventh century was well aware of the existence of Varna, but not of castes. Ever, the number of castes, at present is around 1100 + in India.
  • Diversity based on religion – Assimilation of multi-ethnic communities and Sanatan Dharma’s nature of allowing them to preserve their distinct beliefs, dialects, values, customs, way of living and traditions has resulted in religious diversity. At present, more than anywhere else, Hinduism holds multitude of thoughts, processes them and practices them. There is co-existence of various beliefs and thoughts.

Main religious groups in India – Indian sub-continent holds a unique status in the world because of the diversity of its religious beliefs and practices. It is the birthplace of four major religions of the world, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Main religious groups in India are –

Group% of population in 2011  % of population in 1991
Other religions–  –  –0.38
Religion not stated0.05
Table 1 – Different religious groups existing in India.

These religions can be grouped as –

  1. Religions generated within the land of India, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.
  2. Religions of diverse migrating or foreign communities like Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism etc.

Out of them, Hindu’s, Mughals’ and Christian’s religions have received substantial state patronage for a sufficient long time.

Mosaic Culture of India – Despite all the diversities, different identities have been living together for centuries and present a mosaic culture.  Diversity usually makes divide easy.  However, the forces of unity have always been proved stronger than the divisive forces. It is for this reason that India occupies a special place in the global society. Composite culture of India has come up to the present generation in an unbroken chain of succession, with some adaptions and modifications. It grew out of influence, intermixing, refinement of ideologies of different religions. At present, there are many religions, faiths, religious groups in India. Followers of all the 12 major religions live here.

.Vedic Sanatan culture – Each and every religion, existing in modern India has been immensely influenced by Vedic Sanatan Dharma. Scholars regard Vedic culture as a fusion or synthesis of four major denominations of Hinduism (Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and Sanatan tradition) with various Indian cultures, (having diverse roots and no specific founder). Sanatan Dharma has also absorbed good points of other faiths. Together, they have enriched the composite culture of India. Various existing religions in India and their influence on each other, are as follows –

Buddhism and Jainism – Buddhism and Jainism, the two earliest unorthodox religions were emerged in Indian soil, but after Vedic culture, with certain basic differences. These religions influence the thought, moral and life style of Indian people.  Buddhism attracted equally the elite as well as the lower strata of Hindu society.  The main contribution of Buddhism to Indian culture is an attempt to draw the attention of people towards the harsher effects of the caste system, sympathetic attitude towards lesser human beings and system of organized education.  Major contribution of Jainism is the principle of non-violence.

Dravidian culture – The culture of South is greatly influenced by Hinduism. After the sudden disappearance of Indus valley culture, Dravidian culture flourished in South under the rule of Cholas, Pallavs, Satavahanas, Chalukyas, Rashrakutas, Kakatiyas, Hoysalas beyond Vindhya Hills in the Southern part of India. Its most characteristic features have been its town planning, advanced social system, industry and trade. Hinduism was the state religion of most of the South Indian Kingdoms earlier. Hindhus, in South India, are followers of various Hindu Branches like Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Brahmanism, and others. South India is famous for many greatest Hindu temples, built in South India during Ancient and Medieval India.

Islamic culture – After the tenth century, under Muslim rule, Islam has influenced the Indian culture substantially. Its influence could be seen in the rejection of elaborate rituals and caste pretensions. It has preached a simple path of faith, devotion, brotherly love and fellowship.  With the growing political strength of Muslims, the need for mutual understanding and communal harmony gave rise to Sufi tradition of Islam and Bhakti movement of Hindus. Both these emphasized the need for mutual appreciation, tolerance and goodwill.  Like Buddhism, Islam also provided an alternative to people, wishing to opt out the caste system.

British Culture – Eighteenth century onwards, the British culture influenced the Indian way of life substantially both positively and negatively. Access to modern education, Western literature and philosophy has given Indians understanding of liberal and humanitarian ideas of the West. It produced many great leaders like Dadabhai Naoroji, Ferozeshah Mehta, Gokhale, Gandhi, Jinnah, Ambedkar, Tilak, Lala Lajpat Rai, Moti Lal Nehru, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Patel and many more.

Missionaries converted many people from the lower strata in to Christianity.  British rulers divided the Indian population on the basis of religion and caste. British rulers have given to India many democratic institutions like Parliament, bureaucracy, concepts like rule of law, unified nationality, a common currency, a common Judiciary etc. They started industrialization in India. They have also given impetus to social progress and brought many reforms.

At present, a section of educated Indian society has been so much impressed by the Western culture that it has developed a complex about the primitiveness of Indian society, and tries to improve the mindset of Indian society with the help of other countries or Christian missionaries.

Winding up – The diversity makes the divide easy. Way back on December 9, 1946, Mr. V.N. Narayan had said, At best of times, India is ungovernable country of diversities, conflicts and problems.[i] Mr. Nani Palkiwala expressed the same feeling after 50 years of self-rule, which gave to India empty coffers, unfulfilled promises, political instability, fractured society and perpetual divide among different groups along caste and community lines.  He said, Our legal systems have made life too easy for criminals and too difficult for law abiding citizens.[ii] A touch here, a push there may make India ungovernable. Governance of a pluralistic society, like India, is a sensitive and challenging exercise, especially when modern India has to face many challenges, like unbalanced population explosion, poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, unemployment, increasing disparities between haves and have-nots, corruption, or terrorism.

Many times, there had been strife, contradictions and discords amongst different identities, so much so that, at times, India appears to be a land of contrasts.  Nevertheless, most of the times, the Indian society has been able to develop an attitude of reconciliation rather than refutation, cooperation rather than confrontation and co-existence rather than mutual annihilation.[iii]

Fusion of different culture in India – The wonderful process of assimilation and fusion of all these religions and cultures has been a continuous process of the India civilization. 

Fusion of Indus Valley Dharma with Aryans – Initially, blending up with original Indus Valley Dharma with Aryans’ developed Hinduism or Vedic Sanatan Dharma. It has come down to the present generation in an unbroken chain of succession, with some modifications and adaptions.

Fusion of Vedic Hindu culture, Buddhism and Dravidian culture – Then a major cultural synthesis took place during 6th and 10th century, between Vedic Hindu culture, Buddhism and Dravidian culture. 

Fusion of Sufi and Bhakti movements – Another assimilation was seen after the 10th century, when the thinking of Arabs, Turks and Afghan, mainly guided by reason, influenced Indian thought. Sufi and Bhakti movements are examples of this. These two sects taught the people to love and respect all human beings irrespective of caste or creed. These also brought changes in the nature of mutual understanding, communal amity and accommodation. 

British influence – Once again, during the period between 18th century to 20th century, a major cultural synthesis took place with modernization and industrialization ushered in by the British. 

Cultural richness of India – All the sects present in India, whether foreign or indigenous, have been influenced greatly by Hindu thinking, practices and systems.  It contributed to the cultural richness of India.  Such flexibility is not seen in the West.  When Christianity broke away from Judaism, it departed totally from the common cultural traditions. The present crisis between the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Middle East in Israel and its neighboring countries is a burning example of religious intolerance.

Fascinating picture of unity in diversity – India exhibits a fascinating picture of unity in diversity.  There is co-existence of varied belief, patterns and thoughts due to racial intermixing and cultural mingling.  More than anywhere else in the world, it holds a multitude of thoughts, processes them and practices them.  This is the reason for its being one of the oldest, continuous and uninterrupted living culture in the whole world.[iv]  The factors, which keep its unity and continuity intact, are: –

Tolerance – The spirit of tolerance and firm belief in the principle, ‘Live and let live’ has always been the part of Indian ethos.  Tolerance is most evident in the field of religion.  Hindu faith in an all pervading omnipresent god, multiplicity of god and goddesses as representing some portion of the infinite aspect of the Supreme Being, inspired it to accommodate people of all faiths.  Hinduism concedes validity to all the religions and does not lay down strictures against any faith or reject any religion or its god as false.  That is why, all the twelve major religions of the world are present and flourishing in India without any hindrance.  Hinduism has adopted the path of assimilation.  Therefore, it does not force others to convert. It does not impose its beliefs, practices and customs on others.  Hindu religion has neither repulsed any trend vehemently, nor allowed others to sweep its established culture off the roots.

Tolerance is not confined to religion alone.  It is seen everywhere in the Indian way of life.  Indians believe in ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ – The whole world is one family.  Truth, Ahimsa, peace and non-aggression are the hallmark of Indian culture.  The people endure injustice and unfairness until they are pushed right to the wall. John Fischer mentions, Even during Bengal famine, an extreme situation – when necessity knows no laws, people did not take law in their own hands, nor was there any violence.  No grocery stall, no rice warehouse, none of the wealthy clubs or restaurants were ever threatened by a hungry mob… They just died with docility, which to most Americans is the most shocking thing about India.’[v]  Many times in the past, Indians had accepted oppression and exploitation without much protest, while such situations, elsewhere in the world, would have led to bloody revolutions.  Even today, the people are tolerating the criminalisation of politics, corruption, scams and scandals and inefficiency of the administration without much protest.  Administration is one such area, where tolerance is harmful, as it not only hinders the development, but also pushes the nation backwards.

Foundation Pillars of Indian society – These principles Varna, Dharma and Karma are the foundation pillars of Indian society. They have contributed to the growth of the Indian society as a whole in a systematic way. Principle of Varna has organized orderly performance of various functions needed to provide a quality of life to its people. It prepared an atmosphere for co-existence of different sections of the society – be it ruler or ruled, be it rich or poor. The doctrine of Dharma defines the duties and vocations for different sections of society, ensures social harmony and prevents rivalries and jealousies.  Doctrine of Varna gives the Indian Society a stable, sustainable social structure, which distributes and organizes performance of various functions.  It has made it possible for the people to lead a quality of life and ensured the continuity despite numerous foreign invasions, migrations and assimilation of various groups. Doctrine of Karma makes the inequalities, prevalent in the society, tolerable to an average Indian. It served to give Indian society coherence, stability and continuity; and held together different castes and communities having diverse languages and practices for generations – thus making unity in diversity a reality.

Pride in Heritage and value System – C. Rajgopalachari said, If there is honesty in India today, any hospitality, any charity…. any aversion to evil, any love to be good, it is due to whatever remains of the old faith and the old culture.  Indian philosophy, containing a vast reservoir of knowledge, still commands the respect and attention of an average Indian. 

Basham says, the Vedic literature found in Vedas, Upanishads, Sutras and Smritis contain an ocean of knowledge in a jar.[vi] Its values give to the people, a purpose to live for and ideals to be achieved.  Its Sanatan Dharma, nurtures the basic instincts of human beings over nature, after a deep study of natural instincts, inherent attributes and natural behavioral pattern and takes care of the basic physical, mental and spiritual needs of the human beings at different stages of life. 

The Vedic literature is a magnificent example of scientific division and orderly arrangement of rules, in a few words, in different branches of human knowledge, covering almost all the aspects of life, be it phonetics, arts, literature, medicine, polity, metrics, law, philosophy, astrology or astronomy. 

The priestly schools had devised a most remarkable and effective system of transferring knowledge to succeeding generations in the form of hymns, restricting it only to those, possessing brilliant feats of memory and capability to keep extreme sanctity. 

Knowledge necessary to understant the greatness of Indian values and systems – Only after raising oneself from ignorance, a person could be able to understand the greatness of the Indian value system. Like a jeweler, one could spot out gems from amongst worthless pebbles.  A knowledgeable person could pick up knowledge and leave the undesired obsolete elements developed in it with passage of time.  This gold mine of knowledge inspired not only Indians, but foreigners as well.  Intellectuals from various countries have translated it in their own languages and reinterpreted it for a rational mind.

Many principles and cultures developed in the past, elsewhere in the world, had created such a wave that swept over the entire world for some time. An anti-wave, replacing such waves, emerged soon.  It wiped off the previous influence. The Vedic culture, however, has proved to be an exception in this regard. There had been periods, when the Vedic culture became weak, especially under foreign rules. But it re-emerged every time, and whenever it re-emerged, it did not destroy other sects, it assimilated them within itself.  It happened due to basic tenets of Vedic culture along with tolerance, which are very close to every Indian. 

Go back to Vedas – Many Reformers and religious organizations of 20th century have advised people to revive their own rich ancient culture and not to be swayed away by the glamour and materialism of western culture. Amongst them were most prominent were Arya Samaj, founded by Swami Dayanand, Prarthana Sabha, Rama Krishna Mission, founded by Swami Vivekanand to reveal to the world Indian Philosophy and culture.

Intelligentsia of modern age welcomes the rationality and other good features of Western culture, but wishes to remain firmly rooted to the Indian Culture.  They wish eradicate all social evils, still prevalent, like casteism, gender sensitization, elimination of all kinds of violence against women Sati, Polygamy, child marriage, domestic violence, un-touchablity and superstitions prevalent in the society without foreign intervention.  Modern age social reformers lay emphasis on sound education system, skill-training, interpret religion rationally, develop clean technology and learn to use science and technology for human-well-being.  They try to understand superiority of Hindu Vedic culture and give a call to the universe to ‘Go Back to Vedas’, as Vedas are the source of all knowledge and truth.

[i]1 Quoted from The Tribune, dated 21.6.92, p21.

[ii]   Palikawala, We the People – The Lost Decade, p3.

[iii]  Khan, Democracy in India, pp 4-5.

[iv]  The other three being Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece

[v]  John Fischer, India’s insoluble Hunger – 1947, pp 7-8.

[vi]  Basham, Wonder That Was India, p51-52.


May 25, 2024 - Posted by | Uncategorized |

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